How to Prevent Proteinuria
Know if you are at risk for proteinuria so that you can take steps to prevent a problem. Proteinuria most often occurs in people with systemic lupus, diabetes, liver infection or disease, long-term hypertension or those receiving chemotherapy. If you feel you are at risk for proteinuria, speak to your doctor about your concerns.
Get regular blood and urine tests if you feel that you are at risk for proteinuria. One of the most important steps to prevention is awareness. Getting regular check-ups will not only help to treat a problem as soon as it appears, it can also help you to monitor your preventative care as you will be able to see if protein levels increase or decrease as a reaction to your efforts.
Drink water. While we hear almost everyday how important it is to get plenty of water, dehydration in combination with a medical condition which puts you at risk for high levels of protein in the blood only makes your chances of developing proteinuria more likely. Make sure that you drink at least 1 cup of water for every 50 lb. of body weight each and everyday.
Keep your condition controlled if you happen to have hypertension, diabetes or both. While these conditions put you at risk for proteinuria, you can prevent a problem by using your medication, a healthy diet and exercise to keep your symptoms under control. If you are struggling with your symptoms, speak to your doctor as soon as possible for ways to further manage your condition.
Balance your diet. As a general rule, doctors recommend that people at risk for proteinuria balance their daily diets with 50 percent carbohydrates, 15 to 20 percent protein and about 30 percent healthy fats.
Eat lots of fiber, up to 55g each day in the form of whole grains, fresh vegetables and even supplements if necessary. Fiber helps to prevent the build up of toxins in the body, giving your liver a well deserved break; however, if you are at risk for proteinuria, make sure that you avoid fiber sources which are high in magnesium and potassium.