How to Treat Hematuria

Hematuria, or blood in the urine, may be visible in a red or rusty color to the urine (visible hematuria), or may not show a color change (microscopic hematuria). Many conditions cause hematuria and treatment depends upon the cause of the condition. Luckily, most causes are not life threatening.


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      Provide antibiotics for kidney or other infections that could cause hematuria. Viral infections, of course, do not require antibiotics, but bacterial infections improve with treatment. Additional tests reveal infections requiring treatment.

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      Treat other causes, including kidney stones and benign prostate enlargement. While not life threatening, such conditions improve with medical treatment. Always consult with a physician for any condition such as kidney stones that presents with severe pain, that is, pain interfering with normal processes. Certain medications, such as blood thinners, could cause hematuria, so have your doctor review your medications for possible culprits.

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      Consult with a doctor for serious kidney disease that may cause hematuria. Early detection makes treatment more effective. Treatment could include kidney dialysis or even organ transplant.

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      Diagnose serious causes such as bladder cancer, trauma or urinary tract obstructions. Treatment could include corrective surgery or chemotherapy. Urologists are experts in diagnosing such conditions, so seek them out early.

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