How to Implement Timed Voiding to Eliminate Wetting Accidents
Things You'll Need
- Notebook
- Watch or alarm
Keep an incontinence journal for several days. Mark down when wetting accidents happened and what activities you were doing when it occurs. Include a record of what you ate and drank as well as the times you voided.
Use the journal, either on your own or with the help of your doctor, to determine how often your timed voiding should occur. Most adults and children with normal size bladders should be able to go about 3 hours before their bladder is full.
Establish a timed voiding schedule to occur on regular intervals or at set times that work best with your schedule. Instead of every 3 hours, maybe it would be easier to set up a schedule that works breaks already built into your day.
Get a reminder device, if you think you need a reminder to go to the bathroom on the set schedule. Buy a vibrating timed voiding watch that can be set in intervals or for several specific times throughout the day. Watches are fairly expensive, but baking timers or small alarm clocks are a good alternative (see Resources).
Make sure you get to the bathroom each time according to schedule. While it's easy to set up a schedule, it takes commitment to stick to it.
Keep track of any incontinence you experience between scheduled voids. Adjust the schedule if you see a pattern of wetting accidents.