How to Treat a Hangover Fast
Things You'll Need
- Saltine crackers or dry toast
- Water or ginger ale
- Ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin
- Salty or spicy soup
Eat something bland and easy to digest, such as saltine crackers, dry toast or another simple carb. You need something in your stomach in order to take over-the-counter pain relievers.
Drink plenty of water, ginger ale or other non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages. The symptoms of a hangover arise partly due to dehydration. Although some people swear by coffee when they have a hangover, the caffeine will tend to dehydrate you more. So will alcohol.
Take an NSAID over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin. Not only will this relieve headache or other aches and pains, but it will also reduce inflammation throughout your body. Often, hangover symptoms are related to your body's all-over inflammation response to excess alcohol. Tylenol or acetaminophen will not give you this anti-inflammatory effect.
Try a salty or spicy soup, if that appeals to you, once you feel ready for a meal. This can be as simple as a can of chicken noodle soup or as elaborate as your uncle's homemade menudo. Soup both rehydrates you and replaces electrolytes. Although there's no research behind the "spiciness" part of this step, many people claim it helps ease hangover symptoms, and others find it also relieves the bad taste in their mouth.