How to Join Incontinence Support Groups
Know that there are several types of incontinence. You may want to join a group that is specific to your type.
Join a group online. There are several sites that have message boards where the participants know exactly what you are going through and give support. These types of incontinence support groups allow for anonymity, which can make it easier for you to share your experiences. You can find an extensive collection of message boards at the Simon Foundation (see Resources below).
Contact the National Association for Continence. You can call them at 1-800-BLADDER or go to their website to find local resources, including support groups (see Resources below).
Speak with your doctor. Doctors are given information and kits for incontinent individuals. The information contains the names of local support groups. The Simon Foundation is one of the organizations that supplies this to doctors.
Contact the Pull-thru Organization if you have a child that was born with urinary or fecal incontinence (see Resources below).
Check your local newspaper to see if any incontinence support groups are listed.
Attend a meeting when you find out the location and continue to attend. The groups are always open, as a rule, to new members.