How to Treat Pyelonephritis
Recognize symptoms. A fever and nausea may be present. Usually a person will have pain or burning with urination. Some individuals experience back or flank pain. Urine may contain pus or blood.
Submit a urine sample. Your doctor will complete an exam and likely order a urine sample to be analyzed. The lab technician will instruct you on how to obtain a sample to avoid contamination.
Take antibiotics. Your physician will start you on antibiotics immediately. The medication will likely need to be taken for seven to fourteen days. Take all medication as instructed by your doctor even if symptoms have subsided.
Increase fluids. Drinking more will cause you to urinate more frequently. This helps flush you bladder and keep your kidneys healthy. Avoid caffeinated beverages which may irritate the bladder.
Drink cranberry juice. There is medical evidence drinking cranberry juice prevents bladder infections which can lead to pyelonephritis. It inhibits certain bacteria from attaching to the wall of the bladder. Taking cranberry pills is also an option. Ask your doctor to determine the correct dosage.
Treat the underlying medical condition. If obstructions of the urethra are causing pyelonephritis surgical procedures may help. Seek treatment for kidney stones and an enlarged prostate.