How to Prevent Pyelonephritis
Limit intake of caffeinated drinks. When suffering from Pyelonephritis a woman can experience vomiting, back aches and painful urination. Fluids help to flush the bacteria that cause these symptoms out while caffeine tends to dry the body of the necessary fluids.
Drink lots of fluids, particularly water and cranberry juice, to prevent bacteria from festering and multiplying. Cranberry juice has shown some ability to prevent the attachment of bacteria to the urethra and bladder. Urinate after sex to expel bacteria that may have entered the body.
Be vigilant for signs that the body may be suffering from symptoms of Pyelonephritis, especially in older women as well as women suffering from other diseases that hinder their immune system. The infection is prone to attack women at a higher rate than men simply because of the physical build of women versus men. A man's urethra has more length, giving him more of a barrier against bacteria.
Wash and wipe backwards and not frontward while both bathing and after using the toilet. This is a staple of Pyelonephritis-fighting hygiene.
Avoid using scented products on or near the vagina as they sometimes contain materials that harbor bacteria or enable it to collect.
Visit a physician for a consultation once signs of Pyelonephritis are detected so as not to exacerbate the infection.