How to Prevent Incontinence
Maintain a healthy weight to help control your bladder. Most of the medical problems you encounter can be prevented to some degree by living healthy. There is a site in the resource section that can help you reach a healthy weight by calculating the amount of calories and grams of fat you should have each day.
Don't smoke. Smoking can add to urinary incontinence so stopping can only increase the odds of not having incontinence problems. Drinking alcoholic beverages can also add to incontinence problems.
Exercise. The Kegel exercises are the best to do for incontinence, but all exercises are helpful. The Kegel exercises are recommended because they help to strengthen the pelvic muscles, which strengthens the muscles around the bladder, thereby creating less problems.
Avoid foods or drinks that may lead to incontinence. Certain foods and drinks can irritate the bladder so you should avoid them. No one knows which food or drinks can irritate the bladder for each individual so it is something you need to discover on your own.
Eat more fiber or take fiber supplements. Fiber can be a key ingredient in preventing loss of bladder control since it prevents constipation, which is a risk factor associated with incontinence.
Be active. No matter what health problems you have, activity is a key in keeping them in line. Simple exercise will help in keeping your incontinence problems under control.
Do bladder training. This involves making bathroom trips at regular intervals. Start every 2 hours and then increase the time between bathroom visits. Voiding on a schedule instead of when the urge is there helps prevent incontinence.