How to Treat Proteinuria
Things You'll Need
- Kidney biopsy
- Beta blocker
- ACE inhibitor
Lower your salt intake. Salt decreases the amount of water in the body and exacerbates the swelling that often accompanies protein in the urine.
Lower your blood pressure. Proteinuria is often found in combination with high blood pressure, because high blood pressure weakens capillaries in the kidneys. Before treating the blood in your urine, your doctor will test and treat you for high blood pressure.
Reduce the amount of protein you eat. Remember that protein comes from many different foods, not just meat and fish. The National Kidney Foundation website has a page dedicated to helping patients learn to cook with less protein. See the Resources section below for a link.
Reduce or eliminate your urinary tract infections (UTIs). Frequent UTIs can prolong proteinuria because of the easy transmission of bacteria between the urinary tract and kidneys.
Control your blood sugar levels. This especially important for patients who have already been diagnosed with diabetes, as there is a direct correlation between diabetes and kidney diseases, such as proteinuria.
Ask your doctor about using angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Using these inhibitors is a common way to treat proteinuria, as they have been shown to reduce the protein levels found in the urine. Your doctor may also want to use another type of inhibitor, known as a angiotensin-II receptor blocker (ARB).
Learn how beta blockers can be used to treat proteinuria. Beta blockers are similar to ACE inhibitors in that they reduce the amount of protein in urine, but they also increase the ability of the kidneys to filter waste products.