How is ileus diagnosed?

Medical history and physical examination: Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms, medical history, and any recent abdominal surgeries. They will also perform a physical examination, feeling your abdomen for any tenderness, swelling, or distension.

Blood tests: Blood tests may be ordered to check for signs of infection, electrolyte imbalances, or other medical conditions that can cause ileus.

Imaging studies: Imaging studies, such as X-rays, CT scans, or ultrasounds, may be used to visualize the intestines and look for signs of ileus.

Barium enema: A barium enema is a procedure in which barium sulfate, a contrast material, is inserted into the rectum and colon. This allows the radiologist to see the colon and rectum on an X-ray and identify any areas of narrowing or obstruction.

Manometry: Manometry is a procedure in which a thin tube is inserted into the rectum to measure the pressure within the colon. This can help to identify areas of impaired colonic motility.

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