How do you place a urethral stent?

Urethral stent placement, typically performed by a urologist, involves the following steps:

1. Preparation:

- The patient is given antibiotics to prevent infection.

- The surgical area is cleaned and disinfected.

- The patient may be given local or general anesthesia, depending on the situation.

2. Cystoscopy:

- A cystoscope, a thin, flexible instrument with a camera on the tip, is inserted into the urethra and advanced into the bladder.

- The urethra and bladder are inspected for any abnormalities.

3. Guidewire Insertion:

- A guidewire is advanced through the cystoscope into the urethra and up to the obstruction or stricture.

- The cystoscope is then removed, leaving the guidewire in place.

4. Stent Delivery:

- A stent delivery system, which is a thin, flexible catheter with the stent attached, is inserted over the guidewire.

- The stent is positioned at the desired location, typically across the obstruction or stricture.

- The delivery system is withdrawn, leaving the stent in place.

5. Confirmation and Removal:

- X-ray or imaging is sometimes used to confirm the correct placement of the stent.

- The stent typically has a string or suture attached to it, which is left outside the urethra. This allows for easy removal of the stent at a later time, usually after a few weeks or months.

Urethral stent placement is a minimally invasive procedure and, in most cases, patients can go home the same day. However, the length of hospitalization may vary based on the underlying condition and individual circumstances.

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