Signs of Renal Insufficiency
Some major signs of renal insufficiency are changes in the urine. It may become darker or lighter in color and change in frequency and quantity.
Early Stages
The early stages of renal insufficiency may cause distinct symptoms. They include high blood pressure, protein in urine, anemia, fatigue, swelling of feet and hands, tiredness, back pain (pain in the middle and lower back), impaired digestion, puffiness around the eyes, very dry skin and flank pain (pain in your loins).
Renal insufficiency can easily go undetected during the early stages, but blood work can show any abnormalities. If doctors find a high level of serum creatinine, you could have renal insufficiency. A urine analysis can also show if there is a problem. If doctors find blood or protein in the urine, then it could be renal insufficiency.
Advanced Stages
The advanced stages of renal insufficiency can have the early stage symptoms plus others, including easy bruising, vomiting, nausea, easy bleeding from minor cuts, dramatic loss of apatite (usually because the food starts to taste different), urination problems at night, muscle cramps, diarrhea, excessive thirst, itching, muscles that twitch uncontrollably, extreme numbness, fertility problems, problems breathing, heavier or lighter menstrual cycles, mental changes and mood swings, seizures, decreased physical strength, foul breath, mental confusion and difficulty falling or staying asleep.