How to Use a Futuro Bedpan
Things You'll Need
- Medical gloves
- Protective medical pad
- Adjustable bed
- Firm pillows
- Chair
- Toilet paper
- Warm washcloths
- 2 hand towels
- Plastic bag
- Disinfectant cleaner
Put on a pair of disposable medical gloves.
Place the Futuro bedpan in the sink and run warm water over all surfaces to ensure it is at a comfortable temperature for use. Dry completely.
Lay a protective medical pad under the lower back, buttocks and upper legs of your patient or loved one.
Place the bedpan under the buttocks of the patient or family member. If the patient has mobility, have him lift his body independently as you slide the bedpan into position. Otherwise, roll the patient onto his side, set the Futuro bedpan in place and lift the patient's lower back while rolling him back on to the bedpan.
Move the patient to a sitting position by raising the adjustable bed. Prop the patient up with pillows if an adjustable bed is not available.
Leave the room if the patient or family member can use the Futuro bedpan unassisted. Otherwise, provide adequate support while averting your eyes for the most privacy. Allow sufficient time for adequate urination or the completion of a bowel movement.
Roll the person on his side just enough to remove the bedpan. Place it on a chair next to the bed, but out of the way.
Wipe any large particles of solid waste from the patient's buttocks with toilet paper. Place these in the bedpan.
Clean the patient thoroughly. Wipe the back, legs and buttocks with a warm cloth, removing any remaining waste matter. Provide a separate warm cloth for the patient to clean his hands. Dry the area with a hand towel. Place the items in a plastic bag for later laundering.
Empty the Futuro bedpan into the toilet bowl. Fill the bedpan with warm water, allow it to soak off any remaining particles and dump it into the toilet bowl again.
Clean the Futuro bedpan with a disinfectant cleaner, soft cloth and warm water. Dry with a clean hand towel. Place the cloth and hand towel in the plastic bag for laundering.