How to Get Help With Nocturia
Maintain a diary of the following: frequency and time you void during the day and night; amount of urine produced; frequency, volume and type of liquids you consume; and any medications you are taking. This will allow your physician to determine if any patterns are associated with your nocturia.
Contact your primary care physician. He can determine the cause of your nocturia, provide treatment options and refer you to a specialist if necessary. Treatment may include behavioral therapy or drug therapy.
Speak with a behavioral therapist. Nocturia can sometimes be alleviated by making changes in your sleeping behaviors or drinking patterns.
Seek support from family and friends. Those closest to you can provide the emotional and physical support that is necessary to manage this condition, such as accompanying you on doctor visits, assisting with decisions on different treatment options and lending an understanding ear.
Join an online support group. You can ask your doctor to recommend one, or you can simply search the Internet for "nocturia support group." Speaking to others who are also affected by nocturia can help you get questions answered, compare treatments and physicians, and exchange moral support.