How to Wear Bladder Pads
Select a bladder pad that is absorbent but not too bulky. It may take trying a few different styles and brands before you find an ideal pad. The pad should not be visible as a bulge through your outer clothing.
Remove your clothing and underwear. Get a fresh pair of underwear and insert the bladder pad in the front with the side that curves outward touching the underwear. The pad should go down the inside of the front of the underwear and into the section of underwear that positions between your genitals and buttocks.
Put the underwear on. Adjust the pad as needed for comfort and coverage. If the underwear do not slide on easily or feel uncomfortable remove the pad and try to reinsert it with your underwear on your body. Use one hand to pull the front of the underwear away from your body and slide the pad into place. You may need to slightly open your legs to get a proper position for the pad.