If I Drink More Water Will I Urinate More?
According to U.S. Geological Survey, "Up to 60% of the human body is water." Although you lose the liquids that you intake through many bodily functions, including perspiration, breathing, and urination. How much you urinate is related to how much water or other liquids you ingest. Your body will expel through urination any water that it doesn't absorb. The more liquids you drink, the more you'll need to urinate.
Health Issues
When water intake and urination do not appear correlated, you may have an underlying health problem. If you urinate a lot and the amount seems excessive given your intake of liquids, a doctor may need to check for kidney or pituitary gland problems. You may also be developing diabetes or another health condition.
Reasons to Drink Water
The body requires water for many important functions. It improves skin tone, reduces heart attack risk and lubricates joints and muscles. Water also flushes toxins from the body through urination.