How to Cope With a Flu Virus
Things You'll Need
- Over-the-counter medications
- Plenty of liquids (water, juice and tea)
- Blankets
- Soft foods (gelatin, applesauce and Popsicles)
Take over-the-counter medications. Decongestants, cough medicines and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, will bring down your fever and relieve the congestion and coughing associated with the flu.
Stay in bed and get some sleep, at least for the first few days. Your body needs to conserve energy so your immune system can do its job. The more rest you get, the quicker you'll heal.
Stay hydrated. Water keeps tissues moist, thins mucus and helps cool the body. Hot tea, with lemon and honey, soothes the throat. Juice provides calories, which will help fuel the healing process.
Cover up in layers. You may be hot one moment and cold the next. Layers are more versatile than one heavy blanket.
Keep soft and cold foods available. You may get hungry but be unable to eat if you have a sore throat or nausea. Foods such as gelatin, applesauce and Popsicles provide calories and are easy to swallow. Soup also is a good food to have on hand when you're sick. It will provide valuable nutrients and be easy to swallow.