What Is the Length of Flu Season?
Time Frame
While the beginning, ending and exact length vary from year to year, in the Northern hemisphere, flu season usually runs from October through March.
The CDC statistics show that over the last 27 years, flu season peaked most often in February.
Why the flu virus is most common during colder months remains a mystery. Theories include: people are indoors and around each other more; immune systems are weaker; children pass the flu around in schools. Recent National Institutes of Health studies show that the flu virus develops a protective surface in the cold. This enables it to survive longer and spread.
By being conscious of peak times for the spread of flu, you can take steps to protect your health. Decide if and when to get the flu vaccine and be vigilant about prevention strategies.
To keep from catching and spreading flu, disinfect surfaces such as counter tops and telephones. Wash your hands often. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Stay healthy by eating properly, exercising, getting enough sleep and controlling stress.