How to Get Rid of a Stomach Virus With Self-Treatment

Gastroenteritis, also known as a stomach virus, can leave you feeling fatigued and nauseated. Common symptoms of gastroenteritis include abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and sometimes fever. The stomach virus is contagious; the virus can live on the body and on objects the sufferer touches. Symptoms of stomach virus usually last five to seven days in children, and one to two days in adults. Herbal tea treatment and fruit juices can help you feel better.

Things You'll Need

  • Cranberry juice
  • Two glasses
  • Water
  • Microwave
  • Lemon juice
  • Measuring cup
  • Coffee mug
  • Chamomile tea bags
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  1. Cranberry and Lemon Juice

    • 1

      Drink four 8-ounce glasses of cranberry juice per day to help fight the virus.

    • 2

      Measure 1 cup of water into a microwave-safe glass and microwave on high for about 90 seconds.

    • 3

      Measure lemon juice into the hot water. If you weigh more than 150 pounds, use 8 tablespoons lemon juice. Use 4 tablespoons if you weigh less than 150 pounds. Drink twice daily, in the morning and at night.

    Chamomile Herbal Tea

    • 4

      Measure 1 cup water into a microwave-safe mug. Microwave water on high for approximately two minutes.

    • 5

      Steep one chamomile tea bag in hot water for one minute until water turns brown.

    • 6

      Consume tea as desired. Chamomile is a natural herb that is safe for the body.

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