Campho Phenique Cold Sore Treatment
In 1867, Joseph Lister demonstrated that cleansing of patients' skin before and after surgery with phenol could greatly reduce infections. By 1884, Campho-Phenique Liquid was introduced as an antiseptic.
Key Ingredients
Campho-Phenique contains both camphor and phenol. Campho-Phenique works to block infections that can slow the healing process.
Early Stage Treatment
Campho-Phenique Cold Sore Treatment with Drying Action can temporarily ease the pain and itching of cold sores and keep sores from cracking. It should be applied externally to skin but not bandaged.
Scab Treatment
Campho-Phenique Cold Sore Treatment for Scab Relief penetrates and softens the scab while it heals. It should be applied externally to scab and skin but not bandaged.
Campho-Phenique products should never be taken internally.