Epstein-Barr Vs. Viral Meningitis
Epstein-Barr is one of the most common viruses humans get. Most adults have this virus at some point in their life between the age of 35 to 40. Most children do not contract this virus, but if they do it becomes mononucleosis.
Symptoms Epstein-Barr
The symptoms of Epstein-Barr are fever, sore throat and swollen lymph glands. The symptoms last for one to two months, but it remains dormant in the body for the rest of your life.
Viral Meningitis
Viral meningitis if an inflammation of the membranes that cover the spinal cord and brain. It is usually caused by enteroviruses, but it can be the result of Epstein-Barr virus.
Symptoms of Viral Meningitis
The symptoms of viral meningitis are high fever, nausea, vomiting, headaches, stiff neck, confusion and sensitivity to light.
The treatment for Epstein-Barr is to treat the specific symptoms such as fever. Steroids have also been prescribed to help treat the swelling. Treatment for viral meningitis is to get rest, plenty of fluids, anti-fever medicines and anti-pain medicines.