Shingles Vs. Herpes
Herpes Virus
There are many different types of viruses associated with herpes. The herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 are responsible for genital herpes and cold sores. Varicella- zoster virus is commonly know as chickenpox and shingles. Epstein-Barr virus is one of the most common human viruses. Human herpes virus causes the disease Roseola which is a viral infection that produces a fever and rash in young children. The human cytomegalovirus is carried by the vast majority of the human population. It is transmitted through bodily fluids and once infected the virus will remain in your body for life.
A few symptoms of shingles included pain, itching, red rash, body aches, blisters and headaches. The rash usually develops on the torso but can appear on your face. The rash is very painful and usually last about 30 days.
Symptoms of herpes include small red bumps or blisters in the genital or anal area accompanied by itching. You may also develop a fever, headaches, muscle aches and genital discharge.
Both shingles and herpes cannot be cured but they can be treated with antiviral medicine along with medication to control the pain of shingles. Discuss prescriptions that may be available to reduce the frequency and duration of outbreaks with your doctor.
To prevent the spread of the herpes virus do not have unprotected sex. Avoid kissing, sharing lip balm or drinking after someone who has a cold sore. Avoid coming in contact with anyone who is infected with the shingles virus.
It is possible to have a recurrence of shingles but the probability is only 1 to 5%. With herpes the symptoms may reappear for years after the initial contact. So it is best to practice prevention to lower your risks of getting the herpes virus.
If you suspect that you have contracted the herpes virus visit your primary care physician. Consult your doctor before beginning any treatment.
Since shingles is caused by the same virus as chicken pox you must first have chicken pox before a shingles outbreak can occur.