The Best Ways to Keep From Getting the Flu
Getting Vaccinated
The number one way to prevent getting the flu is by getting vaccinated. If you are wondering about where you can get a flu shot in your neighborhood, check your local drugstore. If it happens that your local drugstore is not holding a flu clinic during the flu season, they should be able to tell you who will be. Both the elderly and children are more susceptible to flu viruses, but that doesn't mean they are the only ones who can get the virus. If you are also wondering whether you should get the H1N1 vaccination, you should speak to your primary-care physician about where you can obtain a shot . It may be directly at the physician's office. Your doctor can also tell you if it would be appropriate for you to get the vaccination.
Protecting Yourself and Others
Even though the flu vaccination will give you a good chance of not contracting the flu, you should protect yourself on a daily basis to give yourself an extra layer of protection. Covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze can help stop the spread of viruses. If you do not have a tissue close at hand, the best place to sneeze or cough is in the crook of your elbow. You should also wash your hands on a frequent basis. Keeping a small bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer in your purse, briefcase, backpack or pocket is also a good idea. When you are on the run, you will also be able to protect yourself and those around you if you have hand sanitizer with you.
During the flu season, try to avoid people who are sick, especially if you are experiencing some sort of health issue that leaves you with a compromised immune system. Being in touch with those who are sick, particularly with the flu virus, greatly increases your chance of contracting it. If you are healthy, this will help you to stop from spreading the virus to those who may be more liable to catch the virus themselves. If you are sick, you should stay at home to avoid spreading the virus to others. Warnings given by public health agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the media, and your local health department, should all be heeded as well.