Alternative Cures for Shingles Disease
A diet full of fresh fruit and vegetable is a great way to boost your immune system and to naturally fight off shingles. There are several vitamins that should be added to your diet to alleviate symptoms and reduce the duration of this disease. A daily dose of 1,000 mg of Vitamin C should begin to be taken as soon as you are diagnosed. Vitamin C works to prevent postherpetic neuralgia and boost your immune system. It also aids in the destruction of the shingles virus because it is an antiviral agent. In conjunction, you should also take Bioflavonoids because they help the body absorb Vitamin C. If you have full-blown shingles, you can increase your Vitamin C intake to 4,000 mg. It is best to divide the dosage after every meal.
According to the Archives of Dermatology, to reduce pain you should take Vitamin E before every meal. This vitamin does not only work to reduce pain but to prevent scarring, support the immune system and encourage the healing process. It also aids in the protection of the cell membranes from viral infection or diseases. You can take this vitamin orally as well as use the Vitamin E oil from the capsule to massage onto your skin. A 400 to 800 IU should be taken daily.
Natural Remedies
Lysine is typically recommended to fight against the herpes virus but when taken at the onset of shingles, it works to reduce the duration of the symptoms and the severity. The amino acid in Lysine works to inhibit the viral action of shingles. You should take 500 mg in the morning and the evening. Phenytalanine is an amino acid that encourages the production of the body's natural pain relieving chemicals as well as act as a pain relief. You should take Phenytalanine three times per day.
A cold wet towel can be placed on your lesions to reduce the pain. You should not wear tight clothes, wool or itchy material and you should stay out of the heat to avoid making your symptoms worse. Before starting any treatment, medication or natural, it is important to consult with your doctor.