What to Use to Clean Shingles
Cleaning Shingles Blisters
Locate the main area of the blisters and inspect yourself closely with the help of a friend or use a large mirror. The blisters typically break through the skin along a major nerve pathway of one side of the body and can sometimes wrap around from front to back. Find any smaller lesions that you didn't notice before and start the cleaning process on the hardest-to-reach areas first.
Apply a cold compress from ice water and dab the lesions lightly with a soft towel or cloth, then repeat this process using hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol. You will notice a slight relief from the pain from the blisters as you apply the ice cold compress; if the blisters are cracked or open, the hydrogen peroxide may sting slightly. Find a clean dry cloth and dab the wet lesions until they are completely dry. Ensure that you do not dab the dry cloth onto areas of the skin that aren't affected. This will spread the shingles to the uninfected area. Apply an antibiotic ointment to the area very lightly, then apply a clean cloth or loose-fitting gauze to the lesions and dress them loosely for easy access for later cleaning.
Be sure to avoid hot or warm water when bathing or showering, as this will cause more pain or itching associated with the virus. Always use cold water when bathing during the shingles viral infection and bathe twice daily while repeating the cleaning and dressing process. Trim your fingernails and avoid tight-fitting clothes around the blistered area as this will increase discomfort and lengthen the healing process. Consult with your doctor immediately in the event of a shingles outbreak and follow medical directions accordingly for cleaning and treatment.