How to get rid of a Fever Blister Quicker

Fever blisters, or cold sores, are caused by the herpes simplex virus-1, (HSV-1). If you have been infected with the HSV-1 virus, it will live in your body forever, and at times, can cause an outbreak. These outbreaks, triggered by emotional stress, injury to the lip, immune system complications, or illness, are bothersome and painful. Once a cold sore has appeared, treatments are available to shorten the outbreak and help get rid of the fever blister. According to the Mayo Clinic, if you have frequent outbreaks, a doctor may prescribe medications to treat the cold sore.

Things You'll Need

  • Prescription antiviral medication
  • Over-the-counter anesthetic ointment
  • Tea tree oil or aloe vera
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      Use an antiviral medication prescribed by your doctor to help shorten the length and pain associated with the fever blister outbreak. This works best if treatment is started early.

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      Try an over-the-counter medication applied topically to help relieve symptoms caused by cold sores. Dab on an anesthetic ointment to relieve the pain and swelling, and take a pain reliever if necessary.

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      Give home remedies a shot. They can also relieve cold sore and help shorten the time of the outbreak. Tea tree oil and aloe vera gels are some herbs known to help fight the virus. Cold compresses, repeated several times a day also help with the swelling and pain.

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