Cures or Remedies for a Stomach Virus
Dietary Suggestions
When you have a stomach virus, managing your diet can go a long way in easing symptoms. When the stomach flu first hits, avoid eating and drinking for a few hours afterward. After that, slowly ease back into eating and drinking. Sucking on ice chips and drinking fluids in small amounts throughout the day will prevent dehydration. Optimal fluids include water, tea, clear broths and caffeine-free sports drinks. Eat bland, easily digested foods like crackers, toast, jello, bananas, rice and chicken. Do not force yourself to eat if you feel nauseous. Avoid dairy products, alcohol, caffeine and fatty, sugary or strongly seasoned foods; they will make diarrhea worse.
Natural Treatment
Certain natural treatments can address symptoms of the stomach flu like nausea and diarrhea. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the following treatments can address diarrhea due to infection, like in the case of a stomach virus. Talk to your doctor about using natural therapies for diarrhea, especially if you are treating a child.
Probiotics replenish the supply of "good" bacteria in the body that can help fight off harmful organisms like viral strains; take as directed on the label. Bovine colostrum can treat infectious diarrhea; take 1,000 to 4,000 mg daily. Blackberry leaf tea helps reduce the amount of fluid in the intestines, decreasing diarrhea; drink one-half cup per hour. Herbs containing berberine can treat infectious diarrhea. Choose one of the following herbs and take 250 to 500 mg three times a day; take either barberry, goldenseal, or Oregon grape root.
Peppermint and ginger are well-known for treating nausea. Peppermint is best taken as a tea; drink as desired. Drink ginger tea as desired or take two capsules of ginger root daily.
Other Suggestions
Be sure to get plenty of rest. Over-the-counter pain medications have the potential to make your stomach worse, so use with caution. Tylenol is least likely to cause upset. Never give teenagers or children aspirin; it can trigger Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal condition that affects all the organs of the body.