Bird Flu Cure

Bird flu, or avian flu, is one of many flu viruses, but it mainly affects birds and has killed millions of them worldwide. Although human cases have remained very limited, they have been documented across the world. Additionally, bird flu has proven to be much more deadly in humans than other flu viruses, killing about half of those who become infected, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Because it is caused by a virus, there is no surefire cure for bird flu. Treatment options are available, however.
  1. Antiviral Medications

    • Bird flu is caused by a viral infection, so it cannot be treated with antibiotics like bacterial infections can. In some cases, the antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza can be prescribed to help clear up a bird flu infection. However, these drugs are only effective if they are taken within 48 hours of a person first noticing symptoms. The CDC recommends treating bird flu patients with Tamiflu (generic name oseltamivir), but has also warned that there is some evidence that the virus might be resistant to it. One of the concerns about possible outbreaks of bird flu is that the virus could mutate and become resistant to the available antiviral drugs.


    • Because bird flu is often more severe than the seasonal flu, oftentimes patients will need to be hospitalized because of complications. Many people with bird flu will develop serious respiratory conditions such as acute respiratory distress and viral pneumonia. These patients will typically need to be hospitalized to receive supportive oxygen therapy and may even require breathing tubes or other assistance with breathing. Patients who are hospitalized with respiratory problems are more likely to die as a result of the virus.

    Traditional Treatment

    • Many people who contract bird flu will experience symptoms similar to those of the seasonal flu. At-home treatment for both types of the flu are basically the same. Patients need to get plenty or rest so the immune system can fight the infection. It's also important to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, which can occur when a person has a fever. For people with a fever or headaches and muscle aches caused by the virus, over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can lower fever and make people more comfortable. Remember, though, that children with a fever should never be given aspirin because it can cause a potentially life-threatening condition called Reye's syndrome.

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