Symptoms of Mono in Adults
How Mono Is Spread
Mono is often called the "kissing virus" as mononucleosis is speed through contact with the saliva of an infected individual. However, things such as sharing a beverage, or coughing and sneezing can also lead to the spread of mono.
Cause Of Mono
Mono results when a person is infected with the Epstein-Barr virus. The Epstein-Barr virus belongs to a family of viruses known as cytomegaloviruses.
Persons infected with mono may start to feel extreme fatigue or weakness. The fatigue caused by mono can last for four to eight weeks.
More Symptoms
Other symptoms that accompany the fatigue include fever and headache. In some cases the fever and headache are accompanied by the appearance of a skin rash.
Symptoms Continued
People infected with mono frequently contract a sore throat. In some cases this will be mistaken for strep throat. If you have strep throat that is not improving with antibiotics accompanied by any of the above symptoms, your doctor may have to test you for mono.
Mono Dangers
In extreme cases mono can cause an enlargement of the spleen, possibly leading to rupture. If you begin feeling tenderness around or near your spleen see your physician immediately.