Viral Pink Eye Symptoms
When pink eye is caused by a viral infection, symptoms include itching and redness in the eye, excessive tearing, a mucousy or watery discharge from the eye and a feeling of grittiness in the eye. Because both eyes can be infected at the same time, symptoms may be noticed in one of both eyes.
Pink eye is most commonly caused by a virus or bacteria, and viruses and bacteria that cause colds, and other common infections such as ear and sinus infections are often responsible for causing pink eye. Other possible causes of pink eye include allergic reactions. In babies, the condition can develop as a result of a blocked tear duct.
Viral pink eye is very contagious and can be spread by direct contact with someone who has the infection; or even contact with an object, such as a table, that someone with pink eye has touched. Viral conjunctivitis can be contagious for one to two weeks after symptoms are first noticed.
Viral pink eye, like all illnesses caused by viruses, will not respond to antibiotic treatment. Over-the-counter medications that ease eye itchiness and redness can help alleviate some of the discomfort caused by the condition, but the only way to treat the infection is to let it run its course.
As it is with many other viruses, practicing good hygiene is the best way to prevent contracting viral pink eye. To start, try to avoid touching your eyes with your hands. It's also important to wash your hands frequently with warm, soapy water. If you develop pink eye, do not share clothing or towels with others, and throw away any eye makeup you have used recently.