What Are Antiviral Drugs?
In the early 20th century, antiseptics and vaccines were used to prevent viral infections. However, none were used to treat them once the infection had set in. The usual remedy was to lessen the symptoms and wait for the illness to be eliminated naturally. The first antiviral drugs were formulated in the 1960s to deal with the herpes virus. In the 1980s, the genetic sequence of the virus was deciphered which allowed researchers to determine substances that can prevent their reproduction.
Antiviral drugs are used during the start of an infection, usually within 48 hours of its onset. These kinds of drugs work by making inactive the enzymes needed by the virus to reproduce. Instead of actually killing the virus, the drug reduces its growth. Antiviral drugs can be also be used as a prophylaxis, or maintenance therapy, to prevent a recurrence of the infection that has already compromised a person's immune system. In order to be most effective, antiviral drugs should be used in the frequency and dosage indicated by the physician.
Modern antiviral drugs are designed to identify virus proteins or their components and disable them. To be effective and prevent the occurrence of side effects, the targeted proteins should be dissimilar to any of the components of the human body. In addition to this, the protein should be common to various strains of the virus in order to be effective against them. The drugs are developed by synthesizing the proteins in laboratories and then exposing it to candidates for treatments to determine which ones are the most effective.
Antiviral drugs should be used with precaution by people who have a history of renal impairment, low blood cell counts and epilepsy. Some kinds of antiviral drugs, such as Zanamivir, should not be used by those with a history of respiratory illnesses. Take note that antiviral drugs have an expiration date and should be used within the prescribed period of time. Taking antiviral medicines that are past their expiration date can make the illness even worse.
Side Effects
Antiviral drugs can have adverse side effects. The severity of these side effects is on a case to case basis. The most common side effects are nausea and vomiting. These can often be minimized if the antiviral drugs are taken with food. In addition to this, diarrhea may also be experienced. When this happens, make sure that the lost fluids are replenished by drinking plenty of water and other liquids.