How Can I Get Rid of a Cold Sore?
Cold sores are small painful blisters that appear on lips, mouth, tongue and general lower facial area. They appear as tiny grape like fluid filled bumps that soon develop into larger, painful blisters. They are most often caused by colds/flus, stress, low immune system and direct person to person contact such as kissing or sharing drinks. Although there is no immediate or permanent cure for cold sores, there are steps you can take to shorten the length of the breakout and enjoy some much needed pain relief.-
Temporary Relief
Cold sores are basically a simple herpes virus meaning there is no prescribed medicine that will stop a breakout or destroy the virus. The first sign of a breakout is redness to the area accompanied by an intense tingling, itching and burning sensation to the area. Apply an ice pack directly to the affected area being careful not to break open any of the blisters. Ice for 10 minutes then rest and wait at least 15 minutes before icing the area again. Applying Anbesol can actually numb the area and provide immediate relief. Anbesol is safe to use on, in and near the mouth and may be purchased at any local drug store. Use as directed.
Shortening the Breakout
The supplement Lysine has been known to help prevent as well as shorten the length of a cold sore breakout. Lysine is sold over the counter anywhere vitamins and supplements are sold such as a local health food or drug store. Take Lysine as directed on the label.
Healing Process
Cold sore breakouts can take several days from first symptoms to the actual healing stage. There are many lip treatments that can be used on cold sores such as Carmex, Abreva and Neosporin LT. Use a petroleum based product and apply generously to the area to prevent blisters from rupturing and scabbing. Applying Vasaline and Vitamin E will aid in preventing and eliminating any scarring to the area.