Novovirus Symptoms
When you are first exposed to the virus, it takes 24 to 48 hours to incubate. Symptoms of the virus can last as little as 1 day, or as long as 3 days. The virus can still be within your feces for up to 3 days after you have fully recovered from the infection. You can also have the norovirus without ever having any symptoms. Even if you don't exhibit symptoms, you are still contagious, and can pass the virus onto other individuals.
As symptoms appear, you will experience abdominal pain, followed by loose or watery diarrhea. Weight loss occurs, and it's important to monitor infants and small children when they have norovirus, because weight loss can be substantial. Small infants and children may not want to eat, but it is important to keep them hydrated with fluids. Pedialyte or Infalyte can help your little ones stay hydrated and maintain electrolyte levels. Gatorade can help with older adults for hydration.
Other Symptoms
Other symptoms can include vomiting. Children can have more vomiting than adults. Low grade fever, chills, headache, muscle aches and nausea are also common. The symptoms of the norovirus can occur suddenly, and you may feel very ill.
The norovirus is a contagious virus. The virus is spread through the feces of infected animals and humans. Oysters and raspberries that were contaminated at their picking site have caused outbreaks. Food handlers who have norovirus can spread the virus to food prior to the food being consumed by you. Transmission of the virus can happen through the eating of food that is contaminated, consuming contaminated water, or by touching your hand to your mouth after coming into contact with a contaminated source.
Norovirus be dangerous. In these rare instances, malnutrition, severe dehydration and death can occur. These types of complications occur in older adults, children and those who have a compromised immune system. If dehydration becomes severe, prompt medical attention is necessary in order for fluids to be administered through an IV.