Symptoms of the Strep Virus
Sore Throat
One of the primary symptoms of strep throat is a persistent sore throat and discomfort associated with the throat. Normal colds sometimes cause sore throats, but they usually are not severe and fade in a few days. Strep may cause sore throats that do not fade quickly, and discomfort can persist during the day, making swallowing difficult and leaving a scratchy feeling in the throat.
Glands and Skin
Like many other infections, strep throat tends to cause the glands to swell as the body battles infection. The lymph nodes in the neck may become swollen and tender. The tonsils and throat also can become irritated and swollen, reddened or show white patches. Red spots may appear at the back and roof of the mouth. Infection also may cause rashes to develop on the skin.
Flu Symptoms
A strep throat infection can cause a variety of normal cold and flu symptoms, which can make it difficult to differentiate the infection from the flu. It is common to come down with a fever, which may be high as it can be with the flu. Headaches also are possible. Joint stiffness, muscle stiffness and aching are possible as well, especially in the neck. It also is likely to experience nasal congestion, which is a common symptom of colds and flu.
Another group of symptoms associated with strep throat affect eating and the appetite. Those affected with strep may experience a loss of appetite, or may feel discouraged from eating due to the pain of swallowing. This can lead to weakness from eating and drinking too little. Food also may have an altered taste, which can cause them to seem bland. A stomach ache also is possible.
If strep throat is allowed to remain untreated, it can lead to several complications that may exhibit their own symptoms. Strep can lead to ear infections, sinus infections and scarlet fever. It also can lead to inflammation of the kidneys, which can impair kidney function. If you experience darkened urine or blood in your urine you may have inflamed kidneys. Strep throat rarely leads to severe complications in the United States, since antibiotics are effective at eliminating the strep bacteria.