How to Get a Stomach Virus

Stomach viruses are a common illness, especially during the winter months. To avoid getting a stomach virus, it's important to wash your hands after using the restroom and after eating. Since stomach viruses can be contracted easily through touch, washing your hands and using a hand santizer when in public can greatly reduce your chances of contracting a virus.. Avoiding those who have a stomach virus may also help reduce your risk. If you contract a stomach virus, it's best to stay home and avoid other people to prevent the virus from spreading.

Things You'll Need

  • Anti-bacterial hand santizer
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  1. How to Avoid Getting a Stomach Virus

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      Wash your hands regularly after mealtimes or after using the bathroom. Put a small amount of soap on your hands and rub together vigorously for at least one minute. Rinse hands throughly by rubbing them together under lukewarm water. Pat dry with a cloth or use an automated hand drier.

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      Use an anti-bacterial hand santizer during the day when using a computer, touching doorknobs, or when using public transportation.

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      Do not share food or drink out of the same container as those who may be sick with a stomach virus. If a stomach virus becomes common in your region, avoid eating at restaurants until the threat has passed.

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      Disinfect surfaces regularly to prevent the spread of germs. Cleansers that contain bleach or alcohol can help reduce your chances of contracting a stomach virus.

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      Drink plenty of water in order to stay hyrdated and to help your body maintain its viral defences.

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