Natural Treatments for a Stomach Virus
Liquids to Consume
Most people know how painful throwing up and diarrhea can be. However, the potential for dehydration and the loss of important nutrients like sodium and potassium is often overlooked. Therefore, it is crucial to replenish these fluids as soon as possible; but do not overdo fluid intake because if it doesn't stay down, it doesn't do any good. Start with just a bit of water--a teaspoon might be all that will stay down--to try to keep fluids down. Water is fine to start with, but it will not replace lost nutrients. So drink apple juice or tea when you can handle it. Avoid acidic (orange juice), caffeinated (coffee), or carbonated (soda) drinks. Some drinks, such as ginger ale, can be left out to allow the carbonation to dissipate and then consumed.
Foods to Consume
When a person contracts a stomach virus, the digestive system needs time to expel the virus and rest before being able to break down foods again. After four to six hours of keeping liquids down, it is OK to try eating simple foods in small amounts. Bland foods like bananas, broth, and toast are generally good options. Fatty, spicy, and acidic foods, and diary products should be left off the plate until two or three days after you have recovered.
Minimize Activity
So that your body can put as much energy as possible toward fighting the virus, keep activity levels low while suffering from a stomach virus. If necessary, do low-level activity, but you should rest as much as possible, including getting extra sleep. Extra showers and regular hand washing will also help the body. The viruses are contagious and can be transmitted through bodily fluids like sweat, saliva, and vomit. Therefore, it is important to use chlorine-based wipes on areas of the house that could be potentially contaminated to kill the virus and prevent it from reentering the body or afflicting others.