Natural Cures to Get Rid of a Stomach Virus
Diarrhea and vomiting deprive the body of water and minerals that are needed to function without allowing them to be replenished. Begin by drinking a tablespoon at a time of water as soon as you are able to do so without it causing you to vomit. While water is better than nothing because it will help rehydrate the body, water does not contain any nutrients the body has lost. Water should be replaced with apple juice, grape juice or even tea. Avoid drinking orange or other citrus juices because the acidity can negatively affect the stomach. Pop and coffee should not be used either because of the carbonation and caffeine. However, sodas like ginger ale can be flattened by letting the bubbles dissipate and then are able to be taken.
The digestive tract, including the stomach, needs time to fight the virus and recuperate before handling digestion. Therefore, it is best to wait four to six hours after vomiting and diarrhea cease to start consuming solids again. When you are ready, start with very small portions of bland foods such as rice and broth. Avoid any foods that are high in fat, seasoned with spices or acidic. Also avoid diary products. Two to three days after the illness has passed, you will be fine to eat regular foods again.
Keeping activity levels to a minimum allows the body to focus its energy on fighting the virus. Some activity is OK, but it is best kept as minimal as possible. Stomach viruses are contagious and can be spread through bodily fluids including spit, sweat and stool. It is important to regularly wash to aid in the body's expulsion of the virus. Also, to prevent the virus from affecting anyone else in the household, scrub any potentially contaminated area with bleach to kill the virus.