Side Effects of Malaria Medicine
Increased sensitivity to the sun is a side effect of both doxycycline and mefloquine. Individuals taking these drugs should take more precaution when out in the sun even when it is cloudy. It is recommended to always wear sunscreen while taking these anti-malarial drugs to reduce the risk of severe sunburn.
Nausea is a common side effect of all anti-malarial drugs, especially when they are taken on an empty stomach. These drugs are really harsh on the stomach, but when taken at mealtime the food acts as a buffer and helps reduce the symptom of nausea or eliminate it completely.
Some individuals are exceptionally sensitive to anti-malarial drugs and may experience diarrhea and stomach cramping. Usually, as the body becomes accustomed to the drug, this side effect will decrease or fade away completely.
Vivid Dreams
Anti-malarial drugs are well known for the vivid dreams and other sleep disturbances they may cause. Not everyone will experience vivid dreams, but many individuals taking anti-malarial drugs do.
A dull headache may also occur on anti-malarial drugs. Individuals usually become accustomed to the drug and will not experience this side effect as often.
Rare Symptoms
There are other rare symptoms that may occur with anti-malarial drugs. These include depression, vision disturbances, hallucinations and panic attacks. Anyone taking anti-malarial drugs who experiences these rare symptoms should talk with a doctor immediately. Also, individuals with past mental health problems should take care when taking anti-malarial drugs because they may be more susceptible to panic attacks, depression and other mental health side effects.