Types of Stomach Viruses
The name rotavirus comes from the Latin word rota or wheel, because the virus has a round shape under a microscope. As a member of the Reoviridae family of viruses, rotavirus is also characterized by a double strand RNA or ribonucleaic acid. The presence of the rotavirus is the leading cause of severe diarrhea, which is usually accompanied by fever and vomiting. Fortunately, a healthy immune system has the ability to eliminate this particular virus naturally within three days to a week. In the event that the stomach is affected by this pathogen, it is important to rehydrate the body by drinking plenty of fluids.
The adenovirus is another type of virus which can cause problems in the stomach. Aside from this, it can also affect the membranes of the respiratory and urinary tract as well as the eyes. When it hits the stomach, the symptoms include diarrhea and cramps. Although the adenovirus can affect anyone regardless of age, infants and children are most susceptible. Because there are various strains in existence, repeated infections are also possible.
Caliciviridae is a single-strand RNA virus which can affect different organisms such as cattle, pigs, and even amphibians. When the host is a human, the virus usually settles in the stomach causing cramps, vomiting, and loose bowel movement. The reason for this is that infection causes the stomach and the intestines to become inflamed. This particular virus can be transmitted through respiration or fecal-oral transfer. Although most infections are not serious, there are some cases which may need medical attention in order to rehydrate the body.
Named for its star-shaped appearance, the astrovirus is a pathogen that causes diarrhea, cramping, and sometimes chills in people infected with it. While it usually affects children aged five years old and under, adults can also experience symptoms associated with this virus. The astrovirus is not particularly strong, and the illnesses it causes do not typically need medical attention. Furthermore, infection during the early stages of life often gives the person immunity from the virus.
There are no medicines available that will get rid of stomach viruses. However, the symptoms can be treated while allowing the immune system to ward off the pathogens. In order to alleviate the symptoms brought on by a stomach virus, doctors recommend giving the stomach a rest by eating soft and bland food. In fact, for the first 24 hours of the disease, it is better to stick to clear broth or simple soups. Also, diarrhea is a common symptom associated with stomach viruses, so it is important to keep hydrated by drinking water in order to replace the nutrients lost during frequent bowel movements.