About the Side Effects of Shingles
Shingles sufferers often have intense painful rash that is relieved only by prescription painkillers. The pus-filled, itchy blisters sometimes cause permanent skin scars.
Post Herpetic Neuralgia
Patients may suffer nerve pain or PHN with permanent nerve damage and lose the use of an arm, leg or other function.
Post Herpetic itch
Itching during and after the shingles attack can cause severe pain and numbness at the skin due to nerve damage.
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
Shingles that spreads to the facial nerve can infect the ears, mouth and scalp. Deafness--temporary or permanent--may remain after the shingles attack.
Hutchinson Sign
When the rash appears on the tip of the nose, it may indicate ophthalmic shingles causing eye infections and blindness.
Severe shingles may infect the brain or other critical body areas and cause death.