How to Read EBV Blood Test Results

The Epstein-Barr Virus, or "EBV" blood test, determines whether or not a person has mononucleosis. The marker this test looks for is the amount of anti-bodies, or the heterophile aggluntination antigens present. False positives may occur in patients with hepatitis, lymphoma, rubella or lupus.


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      Locate the section with blood readings starting with "EBV." There will be four.

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      Read the EBV Ab VCA IgM marker. If it is positive (greater than one), this is the first suggestion of a current viral infection.

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      Read the EBV VCA IgG marker, which will have a positive (greater than 120) result within a week of the infection. If it is negative, this means you are susceptible to the virus. Positive results will show for the remainder of life as having had the virus.

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      Read the EBV NA IgG marker, which will become positive (greater than 120) within two to four months of getting the virus and be present for life.

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      Read the EBV EA-D IgG marker, that will be positive (greater than 120) within a week of getting the virus and disappear after two weeks in 80% of people.

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      Review the markers to determine if you have mono and how long you have been creating antibodies to fight it.

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      Obtain follow-up blood work to determine if levels are getting higher or lower, meaning are you getting worse or better.

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