How to Hide a Fever Blister on Your Lip
Things You'll Need
- Ice
- Cold sore blister treatment
- Topical emollient lip balm
- Lipstick
- Lip brush
Apply ice to stop the fever blister from becoming a full blown cold sore. If you apply ice as soon as you feel the tingling pain of a cold sore beginning to erupt you may be able to stop it from developing.
Apply a cold sore blister treatment such as Abreva to reduce the length of healing time and to minimize the appearance of a fever blister with the medicated base. If you do not have a fever blister medication, apply an emollient lip balm such as Aquaphor to the lip area to soften the appearance of the fever blister and moisturize the area.
Run a fine lip brush along the side of a lipstick or use your pinkie to apply a small amount of lipstick to a fever blister if you are a woman. Be sure the lip area is moist. If the area is not moist the lipstick will look dry making the appearance of the fever blister worse. If you are a man or you don't wear lipstick, you can take a tiny amount of a facial mask and mix it with a little lip balm to dull the look of a fever blister on the lip.
Touch up the lip area with the fever blister medication or lip balm and lipstick or facial mask, throughout the day, to minimize the appearance of the fever blister on your lip.