How to Avoid Stomach Viruses
Unfortunately, the dreaded stomach virus is highly contagious and can last anywhere from 1 to 10 days. There is more than one strain of stomach virus so the symptoms and severity depend on which strain of the stomach virus is contracted. The most common symptoms of a stomach virus include:
* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Diarrhea
* Fatigue
* Muscle Aches/Pain
* Fever -
If one of your friends or family members is having one or more of the above symptoms, do your best to keep your distance from them. There are times that staying away from a sick family member is not possible, however. If that is the case use some of the methods below to help lower your chances of contracting a stomach virus from an infected family member or friend.
1. Wash Your hands or use Hand Sanitizer Frequently.
2. Do not share food or drink with the sick person.
3. Use a disinfectant like Lysol on to kill any germs in the area of the
sick person.
4. Wash any and all materials that have been contaminated with vomit or
5. Drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated and healthy. Avoid
alcoholic beverages, however.
6. Be sure to flush the toilet after every use. -
A Stomach virus is not just contracted from another infected individual. You can be infected with a stomach virus by eating raw food too, so be sure to give all fruits, vegetables, and oysters a good washing before they are eaten.