Duration & Symptoms of Viral Pneumonia
The major symptoms of viral pneumonia last from 1 to 3 weeks, but the weakness caused by the lack of oxygen to muscles and tissues, and effects of dehydration and limited nutrition, can last several weeks after the virus has left the respiratory system.
Viral pneumonia is caused by infections from viruses ranging from influenza to rhino virus, and will develop following one of these illnesses.
Early Symptoms
Dry cough, headache, muscular stiffness, fever, sore throat and fatigue--many of the same symptoms as the illness that preceded viral pneumonia--will become more serious
Progressive symptoms
As the virus takes hold, the patient may suffer chills, sweating, exhibit clammy skin and experience joint pain.
Nausea and vomiting may cause dehydration and an inability to maintain needed nutrition.
Shortness of breath or an inability to breathe, leading to lack of oxygen, is what drives most stubborn sufferers to the doctor's office eventually.
Danger signs
Most viral pneumonia episodes are resolved with bed rest, fluids and, occasionally, antiviral medications, but repeated or serious infections can lead to bacterial pneumonia or respiratory, heart or liver failure. Any sign of these serious conditions should be investigated immediately.