How to Treat HHV-6

Human Herpes Virus 6, known as HHV-6, is a virus that can impact the immune system and play a role in preventing the body from fighting off a number of different conditions. There is no indication that the virus is more likely to occur with any gender, ethnic, or age group. The majority of persons are exposed to the virus through contact such as kissing, much in the same manner as Epstein-Barr virus. HHV-6 has been diagnosed in children as young as three years old. The virus remains dormant and under control until the immune system is weakened so much that it cannot contain the virus any longer. Once activated, the virus will further weaken the immune system and thus contribute to other ailments. At present, HHV-6 appears to manifest as an active virus only when some attendant factor has led to a weakening of the immune system. HHV-6 has been found in people suffering from a number of neurological conditions, including multiple sclerosis. People diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) may also carry HHV-6. Children who are diagnosed with encephalitis may carry this virus. HHV-6 can occur in anyone. Below are some examples of current treatment strategies that are in use by various types of health professionals.


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      Obtain a medical diagnosis of having the HHV-6 virus. Since the virus is connected with so many different ailments, it can generate many different types of symptoms. Blood work will help determine if the virus is present, although it is not foolproof. Depending on your relationship with your doctor, if you suspect that HHV-6 may be present, specifically ask to be tested for this virus, as well as the similar Epstein-Barr virus.

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      Attempt to strengthen the immune system. This can often be done with vitamin therapy. Combinations of vitamins A, C and a complete range of the B vitamins can often help provide additional strength to the immune system and improve overall health. This should be done under the direction of a physician, as the dosage of the vitamins may be high. Your doctor can monitor for any side effects that may occur as a result of the massive intake of vitamins.

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      Treat the concurrent ailment. Currently, there is no drug therapy that directly addresses HHV-6. Instead, the approach is to treat other ailments that are present in the body. This helps to relieve strain on the immune system and provide a better opportunity for the body’s natural defenses to deal with the virus. In addition to using western medicine to address related ailments, homeopathic medicine, acupressure, and acupuncture may prove helpful in relieving the symptoms of some ailments and thus alleviate some of the strain on a weakened immune system. Minimizing symptoms will work in conjunction with efforts to build up the immune system to eventually cause the HHV-6 virus to go dormant once again.

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      Adjust your diet. Eliminating junk food and eating foods that are rich in nutrients will help to make an impact on the strength of the virus. This approach complements the vitamin therapy mentioned earlier by adding essential minerals and amino acids to the task of building the immune system and thus provide the body with what is needed to deactivate the virus.

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      Get regular exercise. Even simple exercises performed in the home for 30 minutes a day will help. Along with releasing endorphins to help elevate mood, exercise also helps strengthen muscles and nerves that may be weakened by the presence of the virus. Examples of light exercise that can be performed are walking, toe touches, or any exercise that can be done while in a sitting position. A physician can evaluate the current energy level of the patient and recommend exercises that will be effective and safe.

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