How to Prevent Dengue
Implement community vector control programs. This is essential because the only means of preventing dengue is to avoid being bitten by an infected mosquito.
Eliminate potential breeding grounds for the vector mosquitoes. This includes even small amounts of stagnant water, especially those around human habitation. Pots and old tires should be kept empty and even water in flower vases should be changed regularly.
Stay out of areas where dengue is endemic. This is not a very practical means of prevention because this would include most sub-temperate areas of the world. Apply mosquito repellents containing N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) to the skin when outside in these areas. Spray an insecticide containing permethrin to protective clothing.
Remain indoors as much as possible in rooms with air conditioning or effective screening. Use indoor insect repellents. Mosquito netting at night is not a deterrent because Aedes mosquitoes bite during the day.
Monitor the progress on dengue vaccines. A safe vaccine has been developed and is undergoing clinical trials. An effective vaccine will need to provide immunity to all four serologic types of the dengue virus.