How to Cope With Shingles
Obtain a definitive diagnosis for shingles. A rash in a band or belt shape usually appears on the abdomen, but it can be anywhere on the body.
Cope with the pain from shingles by making sure you take an antiviral medication. The sooner you get the medicine, the better.
Explain to those around you that the pain from shingles takes some effort to overcome. The outbreak can last up to two weeks, and you need understanding while you cope.
Watch for development of postherpetic neuralgia. This is the condition caused by shingles in which the pain continues after you treat the virus. A small number of shingles sufferers get postherpetic neuralgia.
Work on pain management with your doctor. You can treat postherpetic neuralgia with prescription medications for the pain incidents than occur for years afterward. Ask about possible complications. Follow treatment regimes.