How to Stop Chicken Pox Spreading

Chicken pox infects a person through the mouth and nose. An infected person can spread chickenpox by sneezing, coughing, touching the fluid that weeps from the sores, and from touching bedding, clothes and towels. Today, the chickenpox vaccine is the best method of stopping the spread of the virus; but there are still helpful precautions you can take to stop the spread of chickenpox. Read on to learn more.


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      Keep an infected child home until the blisters have dried. The fluid that seeps from the blisters carries the virus and can easily spread through indirect and direct contact. Keep the child away from any immuno-compromised individuals, pregnant women and newborns.

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      Keep soiled clothes, bedding, towels, wash clothes and other contaminated laundry items separate from the rest of the household laundry. Wash in hot water and dry on high heat settings or in direct sunlight. Wash hands thoroughly after touching soiled laundry.

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      Wash hands often with antibacterial soap and bathe daily to deter the spread of chickenpox through the rest of the family. A mother that tends to the infected child can carry the virus to the rest of the family on her hands.

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      Disinfect surfaces, especially communal areas, toys, telephones, remote controls, keyboards, mice and any other items that your family shares. Use disinfecting wipes in between sanitary washes.

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