How to Diagnose Coxsackie Virus
Things You'll Need
- thermometer
Take your child's temperature. The virus can cause high fever, often with no other symptoms.
Ask your child where he feels pain or discomfort. Look for general symptoms of the Coxsackie virus. These may include headache, muscle aches, sore throat, and abdominal discomfort or nausea.
Look for crankiness and sore throat symptoms, such as painful swallowing in infants.
Examine the throat and mouth. Hand, Foot and Mouth disease produces blisters on the tongue, throat, palate, gums and tonsils, as well as inside the cheeks. The Herpangina infection causes red-ringed blisters and ulcers on the palate, roof of the mouth, and tonsils.
Examine the fingers, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, buttocks, arms and legs for red, painful blisters. These are symptoms of Hand, Foot and Mouth disease.
Check your child's eyes. Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis causes eye pain, followed by red, watery and swollen eyes. Eyes are sensitive to light and vision may be blurry.
Call the doctor to confirm the diagnosis. Since there is no treatment for the Coxsackie virus, an examination may not be required.