What preventive measures can one take from West Nile Virus?
1. Wear Protective Clothing: Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, preferably light-colored, when outdoors, particularly during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are more active.
2. Use Insect Repellent: Apply EPA-registered insect repellent to exposed skin. Repellents containing DEET (diethyltoluamide), picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus provide protection. Follow product instructions carefully, especially when using repellents on children.
3. Install Window Screens: Ensure that all doors and windows have tightly fitted screens to keep mosquitoes out of your home.
4. Remove Stagnant Water: Mosquitoes breed in standing water. Regularly empty containers or pots that collect water, such as flower pots, birdbaths, old tires, and gutters.
5. Keep Grass Short: Trim grass and remove dense vegetation around your property to reduce mosquito breeding areas.
6. Use Mosquito Dunks: Treat standing water sources, such as ponds and bird baths, with mosquito dunks (tablets containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, or Bti) to kill mosquito larvae.
Additional Tips:
7. Empty Flower Vases: Replace the water in flower vases regularly, and scrub them thoroughly to remove mosquito eggs.
8. Reduce Outdoor Activities: If possible, avoid spending too much time outdoors during dusk and dawn when mosquito activity is highest.
9. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the West Nile Virus activity in your area and follow local public health recommendations.
10. Seek Medical Advice: If you experience flu-like symptoms, especially after spending time in areas with known West Nile Virus activity, consult your doctor promptly. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve outcomes.
Remember that taking these preventive measures can significantly reduce your risk of mosquito bites and subsequently, the risk of contracting the West Nile Virus.